Greetings and thank you for joining us at Rock River Free Clinic. Our online service directory is in the process of being compiled with your needs in mind. We will be prioritizing the uploads to ensure that the most critical updates are posted initially, followed by the more general informational articles and links.
We are excited by the changes that are ahead for the organization, and anticipate that once you see what is in store for the future that you, too will be excited. The design modifications will reflect the group’s values and motivations; however, these aren’t going to be accomplished overnight. That said, as the site admin, my job is to get our applications up to speed in the least amount of time that is realistic.
So, there will be a little bit more “shuffling” involved here, but if you will bookmark the site or save it in your “favorites” bar, we believe that you will be pleased at the results, and that the wait was worth it!